Balance,  Self-care

Holiday Self-Care

We are in the midst of it all…shopping, decorating, lights, work parties, holiday get-togethers,  PLUS…not enough sleep, working, doing laundry, feeding your kids, feeding yourself, too much screen time, shortened tempers, elevated expectations… What are we doing?!

This is not about doing less (unless you want to), changing your in-laws’ dispositions (this hasn’t happened in the history of the world), or being the Grinch (enough of that out there already). This is about caring for YOU! What are you doing right now to upgrade how you are feeling?

Here are five ideas to help you feel centered for the rest of December.

  1. Take five minutes for yourself – Wake up five minutes earlier and do a five minute meditation while stretched out in bed.
  2. List three things you are grateful for…They can be awe-inspiring (I am grateful to be alive) or very basic (I’m grateful I had five minutes to meditate before my toddler dive-bombed my bed). Gratitude helps to center you in the moment.
  3. Do a portion of your holiday shopping online. Save the wear and tear on your car, your feet, and your mood. If you are an introverted type who feels jangled by crowds, online shopping is a life line. (I just did my first grocery delivery order – it was life-changing!)
  4. Make a “One Event A Day” rule…Drinks after work AND an evening holiday party might be too much. Consider bowing out of one event.
  5. Remember that while you cannot change anyone around you, you can change how you react to them. You never have to be a cast member in someone else’s drama.

What is one thing you can choose to do today to help yourself feel more centered?


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